Progress Reports

Helping students get tailored assistance in key courses in order to help them be successful at KU.

Progress Reports

KU is choosing to follow the Progress Reports higher education philosophy. Progress Report campaigns are sent via email from the Jayhawk GPS administrator to faculty with a direct link to mark whether a student could use extra resources or not. KU is choosing to use Progress Reports in a targeted approach and not sending out campus-wide.

During the Progress Report process, instructors are asked to provided feedback about student performance in their course. Beginning Fall 2021, when an instructor raises Alerts to share their concerns, a Case will be opened. Trained Student Navigators will actively reach out through phone calls or text (emails only as a last resort) to students to share personal experiences on how to improve behavior or connect them to critical campus resources. Finding show that students improve behavior based on peer-to-peer encouragement. When Student Navigators find the student would benefit from meeting with their academic advisor, the Student Navigator will assign the Case over to the student's assigned academic advisor and schedule an appointment for them to meet. 

We will also be piloting the use of a 'positive' Alert (or Kudo) that can be raised by an instructor during the same Progress Report process. The positive Alert is titled 'High Five!' This Alert will also open a Case triggering the Student Navigator to send an encouraging text message to the student. 

Spring 2025 Courses & Dates -

  • ACCT 200 - Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
  • MATH 002 - Intermediate Mathematics
  • MATH 101 - College Algebra
  • MATH 104 - Precalculus Mathematics
  • MATH 115 - Calculus I
  • MATH 125 - Calculus I
  • ENGL 101 – Composition
  • ENGL 102 – Critical Reading and Writing
  • PSYC 104 - General Psychology
  • UNIV 101 - Orientation Seminar
  • UNIV 105 - Jayhawk Success Seminar
  • UNIV 176 – University – First Year Seminar
  • ITAL 177 – Italian – First Year Seminar

Notifications are sent out twice a semester seeking feedback from instructors. Below are the dates for Spring 2025.

  • First Window - Weeks 2-4 (January 27 - February 14)
  • Second Window - Weeks 7-11 (March 3 - April 4) 
  • NOTE: The Last Day to Withdraw from a full semester course and the university is April 21.

Progress Reports vs. Early Alerts

Progress Reports vs. Early Alerts
Progress ReportsEarly Alerts
Promotes a strategic and targeted approachLacks specific direction
Marks only students exhibiting signs of having academic difficulty or who could benefit from referrals to appropriate campus resources (i.e. tutoring)Can be used for the same alert reason or other Early Alert specific reasons
Alerts are sent once or twice per semesterAlerts are sent at any point during the semester
Targeted at specific courses (i.e. gateway, high DFW)Any course
Requires a manageable level of resourcesRequires more training, support, resources, and advising case management
Provides early detection and intervention for students who need assistanceProvides early detection and intervention for students who need assistance
Requires buy-in from strategic partnersRequires campus-wide buy-in and consistent commitment

Early Alerts

Early Alerts require more faculty training, support, and consistent commitment as well as increased advising case management resources in order to be successful. KU is not currently positioned to employ a campus-wide Early Alert approach at this time. 

Alert Reasons and Case Workflow


  • Student Navigators will re-assign Cases to Academic Advisors when appointments are scheduled with them. It is the responsibility of the Academic Advisor to close the Case after meeting with the student.
  • One "positive" Alert (or kudo) now available - 'High Five!'
  • All Alerts will open Cases to begin case management process, excluding the 'High Five!' Alert.

Students will only receive auto-generated email for the Non-academic Concern, Should Seek Tutoring/Supplemental Instruction  and High Five Alerts. It notifies the students that an instructor has raised concern or shared a kudo. In the case of the Non-academic Concern Alert, the email lists the Alert Reason and provides guidance or various resources for improving behavior or performance in the class. The Should Seek Tutoring Alert provides tutoring or Supplemental Instruction information which will be referenced with reached by Student Navigators. This approach helps to reinforce the importance of students checking their KU email routinely. And finally, the High Five! Alert provides the Alert Reason and a statement of encouragement to continue behavior.

Alert Reasons

Alert Reasons
Alert ReasonsWho Will Respond to Alert/CaseWhen Instructors Use the ReasonLikely Action Taken by Student NavigatorLikely Action Take by UASC Office AssistantLikely Action Taken by Academic AdvisorDesired Student Outcome
AttendanceStudent NavigatorsStudent has missed class more than 2 times Or Student displays a consistent pattern of absences Or There is a negative change in attendance patterns (i.e., a once conscientious student starts to miss class regularly)

Provide encouragement and shared personal experiences to help nudge students to positively modify behavior

May connect student with office providing resources in related area

No action required of UASC Office Assistant

Academic advisor will call student to discuss behavior, offer support.

Student will modify behavior based on guidance shared by peer Student Navigator, Academic Advisor or support staff

Student uses recommended resources included in automatic email and self-adjusts behavior

Missing Assignment(s)Student is not consistently turning in completed assignments or at least one major assignment/exam *Please indicate if the work can be made up
Non-academic ConcernAcademic Advisors OnlyWhen there is no concern for immediate safety concern but there are significant issues that need support (and concern is not about course performance)No action required of Student Navigator
Not Paying Attention/ SleepingStudent NavigatorsStudent appears distracted or withdrawn from classroom discussion Or Student sleeps during class lecture or in-class work time

Provide encouragement and shared personal experiences to help nudge students to positively modify behavior

Refer to tutoring or other campus resources as identified

Student Navigator may follow up as needed

Poor Grades

University Academic Support Centers (UASC) Office Assistants


Student Navigators

Student turns in homework or exams but it is consistently poor quality

UASC Office Assistant will call students and follow up with an email including resources specific to the course and then add notes to the case comments.


Should Seek Tutoring / Supplemental InstructionStudent’s performance would likely improve with tutoring or SI support
Unable to Purchase Course MaterialsAcademic Advisors OnlyStudent appears to be unable to acquire necessary books or course materials or routinely borrows materials with othersNo action required of Student NavigatorNo action required of UASC Office AssistantAcademic advisor will refer to financial resources or Student Affairs
High Five! (Positive Alert)Student Navigators

Student's performance is exceptional, worthy of a "shout out" or made significant improvements.

Other examples might include:

  • Remarkable Improvement
  • Consistent or Outstanding Performance
  • Class Leadership
  • Nomination to serve as Student Navigator
  • Great Potential
  • Seeing Elements of Continuous Improvement
Send out a text message informing student of instructor "shout out" and provide encouragement to continue behaviorAcademic advisor may choose to discuss positive behavior and encouragement when engaging with studentStudent continues to perform at the level of recognized behavior or better