Progress Reports - Cases

During the Progress Report process, instructors are asked to provided feedback about student performance in their course. Instructors raise Alerts as a way to inform a student's Success Team of their concern. This also allows a trained Student Navigator to reach out to offer support or provide resources. When necessary, the Student Navigator will refer to an academic advisor, tutor or other support and set up an appointment. 

KU sends requests for instructor feedback weeks 2-4 and 7-10 for the fall and spring semesters. NOTE: All first-window Cases will be closed prior to the second window opening.

Student Navigator Expectations

  • Be aware of instructor feedback periods each semester.
  • Daily or routine review of open Cases helps manage load and address instructor’s concerns earlier so that students have a better chance of successfully completing the course.
  • Reach out to student within 2 weeks of Case opening.
  • Reach out to students a minimum of 6 times using phone, texts or email (minimum) before closing a Case.
  • Use empathy, compassion and understanding when engaging with students.
  • Follow defined workflow and referrals. 
  • Refer students to assigned Academic Advisor when needed.
  • Provide personal experiences, guidance, resources and referrals as appropriate.

Advisor Expectations

  • Be aware of instructor feedback periods each semester.
  • Be aware of any Alerts or open Cases for students you meet with, especially those referred by Student Navigators to help address instructor’s concerns early so that students have a better chance of successfully completing the course.
  • Add comments to Case workflow when a Case is assigned to you.
  • Close the loop when a Case is resolved. If after two attempts with no response, the Cases can be closed. By closing the Case, the instructor is informed of the outcome.
  • Ideally, we aim to have all cases opened during the first window (week 2-4 of the semester) solved or closed by the beginning of the second window (week 7-10).
  • Close all open Cases no later than 30 days after the end of each semester.

Proven Practices

When students have multiple advisors, it is completely acceptable for each to reach out to show concern or offer support related to the student’s major or program. It is better for the student to receive multiple contacts rather than no contact at all. If you want to avoid duplicate outreach, however, the use of the Case Owner feature can be helpful. (See more below.)

Viewing & Managing Cases

There are two ways to view and manage Cases through the Jayhawk GPS – through the Student Profile and the Cases page. Be sure to select 'My Students Only' box at top of table.

NOTE: Advisors can now view assigned or owned Cases from your 'My Assigned Students Activity' feed in the staff dashboard.

Cases Page

An advisor can view and manage all open and closed Cases by selecting the “Cases” icon from the left-hand menu.

It is a streamlined view where users can access and search all Cases they have permission to view in one place. The list or queue includes all open Cases. By using the filters across the top of the page or checking the ‘My Students Only’ box, the advisor can easily access the their students.

From this page, you can also manage the Case from this section by selecting “Manage Case.”

Open cases for Jayhawk Student - includes Date Opened, Reason, Issuer, Assignee, and Manage Case button

Actions completed from the Case dialogue box includes the following

Select this option to add a comment to the Case record. 

NOTE: All notes related to Alerts/Cases in the Comments area of the specific Alert/Case instead of using the general Notes functionality within Jayhawk GPS because the comment will not be tied to the specific Alert. Nor will it allow the advisor to easily follow up with the instructor who raised the initial concern.

Also called, “Close the Loop” by selecting this option when a Case should be closed and the instructor will be notified. You will be directed to the next screen, prompting you to choose a required Case the best outcome and briefly add comments to provide context to closing the Case. See the screenshot below for the list of Close Options.

Select this option to add a comment to the Case record. 

NOTE: All notes related to Alerts/Cases in the Comments area of the specific Alert/Case instead of using the general Notes functionality within Jayhawk GPS because the comment will not be tied to the specific Alert. Nor will it allow the advisor to easily follow up with the instructor who raised the initial concern.

Also called, “Close the Loop” by selecting this option when a Case should be closed and the instructor will be notified. You will be directed to the next screen, prompting you to choose a required Case the best outcome and briefly add comments to provide context to closing the Case. See the screenshot below for the list of Close Options.

Manage Case details - student name, reason, outcome selection

Follow-Up with Instructors

Instructors have shared they like knowing that someone is reaching out to help the student after having passed along their concern, which is best done by “Closing the Case.” When instructors don’t receive follow up from the advisor, they don’t find value in submitting feedback when requested. 

Student Profile

To view and manage Cases on the Student Profile, navigate to that student. On the right side of the profile, the total number of staff Alerts for that student is listed at the top right, which includes all Alerts, Cases, and Progress Reports. When the dropdown arrow is selected, the count is displayed by the three different items.

Advisors can view the student alerts notification drop down on Jayhawk GPS web platform in the upper right of the homepage

Because the total count includes all Alerts, Cases, and Progress Reports, you may find duplicate information. For example, if one Progress Report issues one Alert, which in turn opens a Case, the total count will be three to include each of those actions, even though they all originated from the same Progress Report. Be mindful of what the total count means when using that information to inform student interactions or follow up.

To view additional information about the Open Cases, either click directly on the “Open Case” hyperlink from the total count or navigate to the “History” tab of the student profile.

History Tab

On this tab, you can view all open and closed Cases for the student, either in the Cases section or within the History feed.

Viewing All Cases for a Student

If you are viewing the History feed but would instead like to view all Cases together, select the dropdown menu at the top of the History feed, and choose “Cases for [Student’s Name].” This will only show the Cases section view.

With the proper permissions, you can also manage the Case from this section by selecting “Manage Case.”

Case Notifications

Depending on current configurations, the Case assignee/owner or original Alert issuer may receive notifications about the Case opening and closing. This can be changed from term to term depending on approved workflow. If you have questions about what notification emails are being sent for KU institution’s Alert Reasons and which Alerts open a Case, please refer to the Progress Reports – Alert Reasons Rubric or email

Manage Cases details - case owner, assignees, student name, reason, date of case opening, comments, and close case button

Case Assignee

When a Case is opened, a notification can be sent to those identified as part of the semester's workflow.

Case Owner

When multiple advisors are assigned to a Case, an individual advisor can take ownership of the Case by navigating to the Manage Case area and selecting themselves as the Case Owner.

Original Alert Issuer

When the Case is closed, a message is sent to the instructor, notifying them that the Case has been closed. Please note, it will not display the Case Closed Reason, Comments, or the name of the individual who closed the Case. If you wish to share Case information with the instructor it is recommended that you email or call the instructor directly.