Requesting Access to Jayhawk GPS

Jayhawk GPS. Guidance, Persistence, Success

Jayhawk GPS (EAB Navigate360) gives academic advisors, faculty mentors, and other student support users unprecedented access to student academic and contact information. Through the platform, University representatives are able to email and text students with ease, and see grades, GPA, and other sensitive academic information. Permissions, access, and privileges must be guided by principles of proven practice that put our students’ experience first.

Due to the Academic Advising Alignment and University Technology, there are certain levels of access that are reserved for specific roles on campus. The turn-around for processing access requests can take up to 10 business days after all three steps are completed. Please reach out to and your supervisor if you have questions. 

Many of the links below will require logging in with your KU Single Sign-On. 

Complete FERPA Training

The first step is to complete the FERPA training in Canvas. You go to FERPA Expanded and enroll in the course. This is a required step for all Jayhawk GPS Users.

Supervisor Submits Access Form

Next, a supervisor must submit an Access Request Form. The Dean/Associate Dean should submit on behalf of the Chair. The Department Chair should submit requests on behalf of Faculty. This form CANNOT be submitted by the user requesting access.

Complete Jayhawk GPS User Expectations Agreement

All users need to complete the Jayhawk GPS User Expectations Agreement. If you'd like to see a copy of the agreement before signing, please see below. Once complete, a copy will be sent to the user's supervisor for record keeping.