Quick Polls
Current (Spring 2025) Quick Poll Questions
January 16- February 2, 2025
- Hopes and Dreams Survey
- Partnership with Career and Experiential Learning
- Sent to New-to-KU Students
January 28 - February 3, 2025- Financial Aid and Scholarship Textbook Costs
- What is your current grade level?
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Law
- How much do you spend on textbooks (physical and online) per semester?
- $0-250
- $251-500
- $501-750
- $750-1000
- $1000+
- How much do you spend on school supplies (notebooks, writing utensils, course related materials, etc.) per semester?
- $0-25
- $26-50
- $51-75
- $76-100
- $100+
February 4- February 9, 2025 Graduating Senior Career Planning
- Graduation is around the corner. How are you feeling about your career plans after graduation?
- Ready to go!
- I have some work to do, but I feel like I'm on the right track.
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to send you information about finding a job?
- Yes
- No
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to send you information about finding a job?
- I should really start applying, but I'm not sure where to start.
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to send you from about getting started with finding a job?
- Yes
- No
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to send you from about getting started with finding a job?
- Stressed and overwhelmed .
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to help you set up a career advising appointment?
- Yes
- No
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to help you set up a career advising appointment?
- I have some work to do, but I feel like I'm on the right track.
- Ready to go!
February 11- February 17, 2025- KU Spring Classes
- Just checking in…how are classes going so far? (Singular Choice)
- It's been a rough start.
- We're sorry to hear that, what is the primary source for your response? (Check one)
- My Classes
- My Finances
- Things outside of classes/finances
- We're sorry to hear that, what is the primary source for your response? (Check one)
- I'm considering dropping one or more classes.
- Have you spoken with your advisor or financial aid counselor about dropping courses?
- Yes/No
- Have you spoken with your advisor or financial aid counselor about dropping courses?
- I'd like to get some help from tutoring.
- Would you like someone from our the Center for Learning and Writing Support to contact you?
- Yes/No
- Would you like someone from our the Center for Learning and Writing Support to contact you?
- I'm having a tough time making it to all my classes.
- We're sorry to hear that. If you are experiencing any sort of stress/anxiety, mental health, or physical health issues, please make plans to speak with someone from our Counseling & Psychological Services, Health Education Resources Office, or Watkins Health Services. Staff are ready to help support you with any challenges you might be having with getting to class. Would you like assistance with getting connected to these resources?
- Yes/No
- We're sorry to hear that. If you are experiencing any sort of stress/anxiety, mental health, or physical health issues, please make plans to speak with someone from our Counseling & Psychological Services, Health Education Resources Office, or Watkins Health Services. Staff are ready to help support you with any challenges you might be having with getting to class. Would you like assistance with getting connected to these resources?
- Really well - no complaints
- It's been a rough start.
Resources potentially connecting with students: Jayhawk Academic Advising, Financial Aid and Scholarships, Center for Learning and Writing Support, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), Health Education Resource Office (HERO), Watkins Health Services, Student Access Center at the Lawrence Campus, Writing Center at the Edwards Campus
Partnership with Wingspan: Center for Learning and Writing Support
February 18- February 24, 2025- KU Communication
- You receive communication from KU in many different forms. Which of the following communication types do you rely on most for receiving important information?
- Text
- Social Media
- Phone Call
- School App/Portal
- Other
February 25-March 3, 2025- AI Usage
- How often do you use AI tools (ChatGPT, Grammarly, DeepSeek, etc.) for your coursework?
- very often
- somewhat often
- not often
- never
- What types of academic tasks do you use AI for? (check all that apply)
- writing
- coding
- research
- summarizing
- I don't use AI for academic tasks
- Do your professors encourage or discourage AI use in your studies?
- all encourage
- some encourage
- some discourage
- all discourage
- Are there any challenges or concerns you have about using AI for schoolwork?
- free response
March 11- March 17, 2025 KU Pathways
- Have you met with your KU Pathways Career Advisor this year?
- Yes
- No
- Would you like someone to send you info on the career support available to you?
- Yes
- No
March 25- March 31, 2025- Enrollment
- Summer & Fall Enrollment is Here! Check all answers that apply!
- I know my advisor by name and how to schedule an appointment
- I do not know my advisor and would like to schedule an appointment
- I have looked a the Summer and Fall class options on classes.ku.edu
- I feel ready to enroll for classes
- I do not feel ready to enroll for classes- I would like some assistance
- I plan on enrolling in Summer Classes here at KU.
April 1-April 7, 2025- Summer Plans
- Have you determined your summer plans?
- Internship
- Summer Classes
- Job
- Travel
- None of the above
April 15 - April 21, 2025 - First Destination Survey (Seniors Only)
- Do you know what's next after graduation?
- Yes and I graduate this Spring (May)
- Not really
- Yes but I am not graduating this Spring (May)
- No but I am not graduating this Spring (May)
Resources potentially connecting with students: KU First Destination Survey, University Career Center, Business Career Services, Journalism Career Center, Engineering Career Center
In partnership with University Career Center
April 22- April 28, 2025- Registration Check-In
- Have you enrolled in Fall 2025 classes yet?
- Yes! I'm all set for Fall!
- No- I don't know what classes I need to take
- No- I'm concerned about paying for my next term
- No- I just haven't gotten to it yet
- No, I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed
- No, I'm not sure if I'll be returning next semester
- 7- No, I'm graduating!
Resources potentially connecting with students: Jayhawk Academic Advising; Drop-in Advising; Jayhawk GPS/Navigate360; Schedule of Classes, Enroll & Pay, Advising Report, Degree Progress Report (DPR)
April 29- May 3, 2025- Exam Season
- Exams are around the corner. How are you feeling? (Singular Choice)
- Ready to go!
- I have some work to do, but I feel like I'm on the right track.
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to send you info on the Center for Learning and Writing Support?
- Yes
- No
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to send you info on the Center for Learning and Writing Support?
- I should really start studying, but I'm not sure where to start.
- Stressed and overwhelmed.
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to send you info on self-care resources and academic support available to you?
- Yes
- No
- Branching Question: Would you like someone to send you info on self-care resources and academic support available to you?
Resources potentially connecting with students: Center for Learning and Writing Support, CAPS, Supplemental Instruction, Jayhawk Academic Advising