Hand Raise

Hand Raise Information and Workflow

Hand Raise allows students to “raise their hand” by issuing alerts on themselves, using the Navigate360 Student app on desktop or mobile. The alert then follows a workflow to ensure a student gets connected to a resource. Academic Success is launching this feature in the Fall of 2023 with hopes to expand to additional campus partners and resources in Spring 2024. 


If you are looking for assistance, you can choose from the following options as of Fall 2024:

  • I'm feeling overwhelmed. (This will connect you to your academic advisor for help)
  • I need to talk to an advisor. (This will connect you to your academic advisor for help)
  • I want support with a writing project. (This will connect you to the Writing Center for help)
  • I'm interested in tutoring or peer-led study sessions. (This will connect you to the Academic Learning center- they oversee tutoring, supplemental instruction, and academic coaching)
  • I have a question but not sure who to go to (This will connect you to the Hawk Link support team for help)
  • I have a hold and I'm not sure how to get it removed (This will connect you to the Hawk Link support team for help)
  • I need help getting accommodations (This will connect you to the Hawk Link support team for help)
  • I'm recently admitted and I'm not sure what to do next (This will connect you to the Academic Success Navigator team for help)


Hand Raise Reasons and Workflow

Hand Raise Reason

Associated Support Unit/Office

When Hand Raised, Does the Student get an Automatic Email with Resources?

When Hand Raised, An Email Notification Gets Sent To...

When Hand Raised, is a Case Created?

I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Jayhawk Academic Advising


Student's assigned Academic Advisor

Yes- the Academic Advisor will need to reach out and close the case. 

I need to talk to an advisor.

Jayhawk Academic Advising


Student's assigned Academic Advisor

Yes- the Academic Advisor will need to reach out and close the case. 

I want support with a writing project.

Academic Learning Center



Yes- the Academic Learning Center will need to reach out and close the case.

I'm interested in tutoring or peer-led study sessions.

Academic Learning Center



Yes- the Academic Learning Center will need to reach out and close the case.

I have a question but not sure who to go to

Hawk Link


Hawk Link Coordinators 

Yes - Hawk Link Coordinators will need to reach out and close the case.

I have a hold and I’m not sure how to get it removed

Hawk Link


Hawk Link Coordinators

Yes - Hawk Link Coordinators will need to reach out and close the case.

I need help getting accommodations

Hawk Link


Hawk Link Coordinators

Yes - Hawk Link Coordinators will need to reach out and close the case.

I’m recently admitted and I’m not sure what to do next

Academic Success Navigators


Academic Success Navigators

Yes- Navigators will need to reach out and close the case.

Screenshots of Hand Raise in Navigate360 Student